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Action on Stroke Month | Healthera is Making May Purple

Picture of Andrew Bellingham

Andrew Bellingham

Pharmacist | 20+ Years | BPharm | Dip Clin Pharm

May is Action on Stroke month and we are committed to doing our bit to Make May Purple. If you haven’t heard of this campaign before, it is an initiative by the Stroke Association with the aim to raise money and awareness. Each and every donation goes a long way in helping provide support to stroke sufferers.

Healthera is Making May Purple

This week, the Healthera team donned purple and baked a selection of delicious goods which we sold to the lovely people of Cambridge. We had a great turnout and raised a total of £150 for this worthy cause. All proceeds and donations went directly to the Stroke Association.

We want to thank everyone who brought in their bakes along with all the wonderful people who donated generously. We greatly appreciate your contributions!

action on stroke month - make may purple

How Can You Get Involved?

You’ve still got time to get involved and #MakeMayPurple! Doing your bit can mean anything from organising your own event or simply wearing something purple to raise awareness. We suggest you head to the Stroke Association’s website to find out more information and inspiration on the kind of charitable events you can be part of.

Spotting the Signs of Stroke

Funds are crucial. But a big part of this initiative is about raising awareness. Anyone, of any age, can suffer from a stroke. This is why it’s so important that we can all identify the warning signs. Having this understanding could make a huge difference; the sooner someone suffering from a stroke gets specialist treatment the better. Using the FAST test is the simplest way to identify the warning signs:

Face: Can the person smile? Has their face fallen on one side?

Arms: Can the person raise both arms and keep them there?

Speech problems: Can the person speak clearly and understand what you say? Or is their speech slurred?

Time: If you see any of these above signs, call 999 immediately.

For more information on this and other aspects, such as the different types of stroke or reducing the risks, head to the Stroke Association.

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