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A young couple happily peek out from under their bed sheets after using sildenafil to combat his erectile dysfunction.
Erectile Dysfunction ED

When to take sildenafil for best results?

Sildenafil is most effective when taken about 30 to 60 minutes before sexual activity. This gives your body enough time to absorb the medication and start working. The effects can last for up to four hours, but this doesn’t mean you’ll have an erection for the entire duration—just that you’ll be more likely to get an erection when sexually aroused.

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A young couple happily peek out from under their bed sheets after using sildenafil to combat his erectile dysfunction.
Erectile Dysfunction ED

How much sildenafil should I take?

Finding the right amount of sildenafil is key to getting the best results while staying safe. Typically, the starting dose is 50 mg. Based on how you respond, your healthcare provider might adjust this amount—either increasing it to 100 mg or lowering it to 25 mg.

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A young couple happily peek out from under their bed sheets after using sildenafil to combat his erectile dysfunction.
Erectile Dysfunction ED

How long does sildenafil stay in your system?

Sildenafil typically stays in your system for about 24 hours. However, its effects gradually decrease over time. Most of the drug is eliminated from your body through urine and faeces. After around 24 hours, only a small amount remains in your system.

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A man sits on the edge of the bed with his hands on the outside of his jeans in his genital area due to erectile dysfunction, while his girlfriend sits in the background looking upset with the situation.
Erectile Dysfunction ED

Can alcohol cause erectile dysfunction?

The short answer is: Yes, alcohol can cause erectile dysfunction. Excessive alcohol consumption can impair nerve function, decrease testosterone levels, and affect blood flow to the penis, which all contribute to ED. But limiting your alcohol intake usually sees the condition improve.

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