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How long does finasteride take to work?

Picture of Andrew Bellingham

Andrew Bellingham

Pharmacist | 20+ Years | BPharm | Dip Clin Pharm

Finasteride typically takes 3 to 6 months to show noticeable results in hair regrowth or preventing further hair loss.

Hair loss is a concern many people face, and finding a treatment that helps you slow down or regrow your hair can be the key to getting your confidence back.

Finasteride is a well-known medication for combating hair loss, it inhibits an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase, which converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). High levels of DHT can shrink hair follicles, leading to hair thinning and loss. By reducing DHT levels in the scalp, finasteride helps stop hair loss and can even promote regrowth.

If you’re reading this article, you may have already started your finasteride treatment or researching if it’s right for you – but don’t worry, we’ve got the answers you’re looking for.

How quickly does finasteride work?

Starting finasteride can be a big step, and it’s important to know what to expect. Like any type of medicine, you should not expect to see results instantly. It’s important to remember that patience is key, because though you won’t have hair like David Beckham after the first dose, with regular and continued use you will see noticeable changes to your hair.

First 3 months: getting started

In the first three months, you might not see much change. Some people even notice more hair shedding. Don’t worry—this is normal. It’s a sign that finasteride is starting to work by resetting your hair growth cycle.

3 to 6 months: early signs

Between three and six months, you should start to see some improvement. Hair loss usually slows down, and you might see less hair falling out. Some people start to notice small signs of new hair growth in thinning areas. This shows that finasteride is lowering DHT levels and beginning to stabilise hair loss.

6 to 12 months: visible changes

Around six months, you’ll likely see more noticeable changes. Hair regrowth becomes clearer, especially on the crown and hairline. Your hair might feel thicker and look fuller. Most people see the best results within this time frame, with continued use leading to even more improvement.

12 months and beyond: long-term benefits

After a year of using finasteride, many people see significant results. Your hair should look denser and healthier. It’s important to keep taking the medication, as stopping it can cause hair loss to return within a few months.

Frequently asked questions about finasteride

How long does it take finasteride to work?

Finasteride usually starts to show results in about 3-6 months. Keep in mind, it can vary from person to person.

What are the common side effects of finasteride?

Common side effects of finasteride may include decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and decreased ejaculate volume. It’s essential to discuss any concerns with your pharmacist or doctor. 

Can finasteride regrow hair on a receding hairline?

Finasteride can potentially regrow hair on a receding hairline, but results vary from person to person. It’s best to consult with your pharmacist or doctor for further guidance.

A man checks his hair in the mirror to see how much he's lost.

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