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Weight loss plan for men

Picture of Andrew Bellingham

Andrew Bellingham

Pharmacist | 20+ Years | BPharm | Dip Clin Pharm

If you’re serious about getting back to feeling and looking your best, then let’s get right to it. 

First things first, let’s talk about those trendy diets that promise the world. You’ve probably heard of them—cutting out entire food groups, surviving on shakes, or eating like a rabbit for a week. Sure, they might offer quick results, but they often leave you feeling hungry, cranky, and right back where you started once you resume normal eating. Sustainable? Not so much.

And then there’s the online circus of YouTube and social media, where everyone’s a self-proclaimed expert. Be wary of those promising miraculous transformations in record time. It’s easy to get swept up in the hype, but real, lasting changes take time and consistency.

Now, our approach is grounded in practicality and proven methods. It’s about making gradual, sustainable changes to your eating habits and incorporating regular physical activity that fits into your routine. No extreme measures or deprivation—just sensible choices that support long-term health and well-being.

Let’s be clear about expectations: results don’t happen overnight. You’ll start feeling more energised and notice small improvements fairly soon, but significant weight loss takes weeks, even months, depending on your starting point and commitment level. The key is persistence and patience.

With that in mind, here’s our free weight loss plan complete with nutrition and exercise routines. 

Note: We haven’t given you detailed workouts for Saturday and Sunday, so you can enjoy some time off – but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do any exercise at all. Try to get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise in, even if it’s simply a brisk walk.




Option 1: Scrambled eggs with spinach, tomatoes, and a sprinkle of feta cheese

Option 2: Whole grain toast

Option 3: A small apple


Option 1: Grilled chicken breast marinated in lemon juice and herbs

Option 2: Quinoa pilaf with mixed vegetables (e.g., bell peppers, zucchini, and carrots)

Option 3: Mixed green salad with a light vinaigrette dressing

Afternoon snack

Greek yoghurt with a handful of mixed berries and a drizzle of honey


Option 1: Baked salmon with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice 

Option 2: Steamed broccoli and cauliflower

Option 3: Brown rice with chopped parsley

Exercise: Full Body Workout

Warm-Up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio (e.g., jogging in place, jumping jacks).

Circuit (Repeat 3 times):

  • Bodyweight Squats: 15-20 reps
  • Push-Ups (Modified or on knees if needed): 10-15 reps
  • Plank: Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute
  • Walking Lunges: 10-12 reps per leg
  • Bicycle Crunches: 15-20 reps per side

Cool Down:
5-10 minutes of stretching (focus on legs, chest, back, and core).




Overnight oats with chia seeds, topped with sliced strawberries, almonds, and a sprinkle of cinnamon


Option 1: Turkey and avocado whole wheat wrap with lettuce and sliced cucumber

Option 2: Side salad with mixed greens, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, and a light vinaigrette dressing

Afternoon Snack

Carrot sticks with hummus


Option 1: Stir-fried tofu with snap peas, bell peppers, and a light soy sauce

Option 2: Quinoa seasoned with garlic and ginger

Exercise: Cardio and Core

Warm-Up: 5-10 minutes of marching or light jogging in place


  • Jumping Jacks: 1 minute
  • Mountain Climbers: 30 seconds
  • High Knees: 1 minute
  • Plank with Shoulder Taps: 30 seconds
  • Bicycle Crunches: 15-20 reps per side
  • Russian Twists: 15-20 reps per side

Cardio Finisher:
10-15 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio (e.g., brisk walking, jogging, cycling)




Green smoothie with spinach, banana, almond milk, and protein powder


Grilled shrimp salad with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, avocado slices, and a light lemon vinaigrette dressing

Afternoon Snack

Cottage cheese with pineapple chunks and a sprinkle of shredded coconut


Option 1: Lean beef stir-fry with broccoli, carrots, and snow peas

Option 2: Brown rice with a dash of sesame oil


Warm-Up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio (e.g., marching in place, leg swings)

Circuit (Repeat 3 times):

  • Bodyweight Squats: 15-20 reps
  • Reverse Lunges: 10-12 reps per leg
  • Glute Bridges: 15-20 reps
  • Calf Raises: 15-20 reps
  • Wall Sit: Hold for 30-60 seconds

Cool Down:
5-10 minutes of stretching (focus on legs and lower body)




Option 1: Whole grain toast with avocado spread, a poached egg, and a sprinkle of black pepper

Option 2: A small orange


Option 1: Lentil soup with diced tomatoes and spinach

Option 2: Whole grain roll with a spread of butter

Afternoon Snack

A handful of almonds and a small piece of dark chocolate


Option 1: Baked chicken breast seasoned with Italian herbs and a squeeze of fresh lemon

Option 2: Quinoa with roasted vegetables such as asparagus, bell peppers, and cherry tomatoes

Exercise: Upper Body and Core

Warm-Up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio (e.g., arm circles, shoulder rolls).

Circuit (Repeat 3 times):

  • Push-Ups (Modified or on knees if needed): 10-15 reps
  • Tricep Dips: 10-15 reps
  • Superman (Back Extensions): 12-15 reps
  • Plank with Alternating Leg Lifts: 10-12 reps per leg
  • Bicycle Crunches: 15-20 reps per side

Cool Down:
5-10 minutes of stretching (focus on arms, chest, back, and core)




Greek yoghurt with honey, mixed berries, and a handful of granola


Whole wheat pasta with marinara sauce, grilled chicken, spinach, and a side of steamed broccoli

Afternoon Snack

Air-popped popcorn sprinkled with a bit of Parmesan cheese and a pinch of garlic powder


Option 1: Grilled salmon with a drizzle of balsamic glaze

Option 2: Quinoa salad with cucumber, cherry tomatoes, feta cheese, and a squeeze of lemon

Exercise: Total Body Endurance

Warm-Up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio (e.g., marching in place, dynamic stretches)


  • Burpees: 10-15 reps
  • Jump Squats: 15-20 reps
  • Push-Ups (Modified or on knees if needed): 10-15 reps
  • Plank Jacks: 15-20 reps
  • Mountain Climbers: 30 seconds
  • Russian Twists: 15-20 reps per side

Cool Down:
5-10 minutes of stretching (full body focus)




Option 1: Scrambled eggs with spinach, mushrooms, and a sprinkle of mozzarella cheese

Option 2: Whole grain toast

Option 3: A small apple


Turkey and avocado whole wheat wrap with lettuce, sliced cucumber, and a spread of hummus

Afternoon Snack

Greek yoghurt with a handful of mixed berries and a sprinkle of granola

Dinner (Cheat Meal)

Enjoy a meal of your choice (e.g., pizza, burger, pasta) with a focus on quality ingredients and moderate portion sizes




Smoothie with banana, spinach, almond milk, protein powder, and a spoonful of peanut butter


Option 1: Grilled chicken breast seasoned with herbs and a squeeze of lime juice

Option 2: Quinoa pilaf with mixed vegetables (e.g., bell peppers, carrots, and peas)

Option 3: Mixed green salad with cherry tomatoes, avocado slices, and a light balsamic vinaigrette dressing

Afternoon Snack

Carrot sticks with hummus and a sprinkle of cumin


Option 1: Baked fish (e.g., cod or tilapia) with a sprinkle of dill

Option 2: Steamed vegetables such as green beans and carrots

Option 3: Brown rice seasoned with chopped parsley and a dash of olive oil

Frequently asked questions about weight loss

How long does it take to lose weight safely?

Safe weight loss typically ranges from 0.5 to 2 pounds per week, depending on factors like diet and exercise routine.

What are the best foods for weight loss?

The best foods for weight loss include lean proteins, leafy greens, whole grains, and fruits rich in fibre and nutrients.

How often should I exercise to lose weight?

To lose weight effectively, aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, supplemented with strength training sessions.

A man in his 60s is running in the park while listening to music. He has a big grin because he's been successful in losing weight.

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