Community pharmacies’ most frequently asked questions…

Doctor holding prescription up in view of computer screen
Yes. As well as using Healthera for your existing patients (who will have you as their dedicated pharmacy on the app), we can also send you orders from patients who’ve joined Healthera but don’t have a nominated pharmacy.

Effectively, this means you’ll be able to take advantage of Healthera’s own marketing budget. Whenever someone downloads the app who hasn’t been invited by a specific pharmacy, we’ll show them our pharmacy partners in their area. Once you’re on Healthera, that could be you!

We typically see our partners grow because of this function, so it’s a very popular way to increase prescription orders.
When you make the decision to join Healthera, you’re not just given a login to the systems and left to your own devices like on other platforms.We’ve mapped out a clear, cohesive process to help you set everything up from start to finish in time for your launch.

Next, we’ll train you and your staff members how to use the platform, so there’s always someone available to action your incoming orders, manage patients and keep on top of your service bookings.

You’ll also be assigned your own dedicated Pharmacy Success Specialist, who’ll be there to offer you year-round support, so you can be sure you’re making the most of your platform.

If you’d like to learn more about our onboarding process, then simply click the button below to see our Onboarding page:
Absolutely. Healthera is designed to simplify processes within pharmacies, after all.

Healthera Connect – our pharmacy-facing side of the platform – is easy to understand and is being continuously updated in-line with partner feedback.

Not only are the functions inside Healthera Connect clearly labelled and intuitive, you’ll also have your own dedicated Pharmacy Success Specialist who’ll provide free, live training for your staff as well as ongoing support throughout your time with us.

Alongside step-by-step instructional videos, this means you’ll never be out of the loop on how the system works.
Yes it is! For your existing patients, it’s as simple as signing up to the app through your unique invite link (or they can select your pharmacy manually).

From there, they can enjoy your brand new digital platform (tried, tested, and approved by over 750,000+ users in the UK).

If a patient decides they’d prefer to use your Smart Website instead of the app (or vice versa), they simply need to input the same account details to start ordering through their preferred platform.

Click here to take a look at Healthera on the iOS App Store or Google Play Store for examples of how easy users find the app (or better yet, have a go yourself!)
Put simply… because we have the most experience (and the only fully-functioning platform).

We’ve been doing this longer than anyone else and have already overcome all the teething problems that come with building an entire platform from scratch! (Something that new pharmacy platforms and their customers have to learn the hard way…)

Over the last 8 years, four or five other platforms have tried to offer the features, expertise, and support that we do to pharmacies. They all failed.

Why did we succeed where they couldn’t? Simple.

All of our team members ONLY focus on Healthera. We’re not a pharmacy who outsources a bit of development work on the side. We’re a company whose only focus is on providing the UK’s #1 pharmacy-to-patient platform.

Combine that with over 8 years of development and integration-building with the NHS & digital providers – and you get something that no other company can offer.

An experienced, proven, and impartial platform.

And of course, it goes without saying that our world-class team (from our dedicated account managers, to our former-pharmacist directors, to our ready-to-help marketers) all work harder than any other organisation we can think of!

No. Healthera is not owned by a pharmacy, nor is Healthera a pharmacy itself.

We understand the conflict of interest that other pharmacy platforms have caused when details about their links to pharmacies have emerged – no community pharmacy should be worried that a competitor is also responsible for their digital wellbeing. 

As such, Healthera remains entirely independent and impartial – our only focus is ensuring that you succeed.
Your patient remains in complete ownership of their own data. Similarly, your pharmacy retains full ownership of your data.

Healthera only transfers data from one place to another, just like any other app or website.

Furthermore, our robust and NHS-approved security puts your patients’ rights first.

That means nobody can own your data other than you.

If you’d like to learn more about data analytics and how to keep your data safe, simply click the button below:
If you ever decide that you’d like to leave Healthera, then we have a full offboarding process that you can follow so your patients know you’ll no longer be using the platform. You can tell them what new provider you’ll be using and we’ll help you move your data over to them too.

Your dedicated Pharmacy Success Specialist will help you prepare everything for your departure, including sending broadcast messages to your patients on the app.

In addition to that, we’ll also transfer all of your patients’ data to you in a password protected folder, because only you own that data.

Have more questions about how Healthera could help your pharmacy?