You could be ready to launch in 48 hours with our simple 4-step process

(Plus, you’ll have year-round support from your own dedicated success specialist…)
Step 1

Induction Meeting

15-20 minutes

A quick 1-to-1 meeting with your new pharmacy success specialist will guide you through the simple set-up process
Step 2

Training Session

30-45 minutes

Free training for your team will be conducted by our onboarding specialist – this is where pharmacy staff learn how easy the platform is to use
Step 3

Website / App Configuration

10-15 minutes

If you’re signing up with Healthera Plus, you’ll be invited to fill out a short form so we know exactly what you want for your new website
Step 4

Onboarding your patients

10-20 minutes

Inviting patients to use your new app or website is simple with our free marketing material, direct QR codes, and text & email invites

Plus, your dedicated customer success specialist will be available all-year round...

This includes:
  • Free additional training sessions (as new features are released or new staff join your pharmacy)
  • Regular account reviews to see how you’re getting on
  • Swift responses to any questions or issues you may have
  • General support to ensure you make the most of your platform

Join us today, book your free 1-on-1 demo now