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How to Use Healthera
Here’s a simple guide for getting the most out of your Healthera app!
If you need a hand ordering prescriptions or navigating through the screens, then just read below…
Ordering your prescription with Healthera couldn’t be easier, it really takes the stress out of getting your medicine. Let’s take a closer look through the simple steps you need to take to order your first prescription with Healthera!
1. To get started, open your Healthera app and click the “Order Your Prescription” button.
2. Choose between manually searching for your medicine, or signing in with your NHS login to automatically update Healthera with your available prescriptions.
3. If you didn’t sign in with NHS login, we’ll need to ask you for a few details to complete your first prescription order (you won’t need to add them again for future orders!)
4. Next, we’ll ask you to set reminders, so we can notify you when it’s time to take your medication.
5. Now that everything has been filled in, you’re good to go. Simply click “Place Order” and we’ll send your prescription request to your pharmacy for approval!
Your Profile Tab is the section of your app that’s all about you!
(And you’ll find plenty of useful features here…)
Across the bottom of the screen, you’ll see the different sections laid out.
Simply click on the “Profile” icon at the bottom right to access the page.
Follow these simple steps to add multiple people to your Healthera app:
1. Navigate to the Profile Tab, and click on the “Add a Dependant” option.
2. Then we’ll just require some basic information to get your dependant set up.
3. Lastly, you just need to confirm that you have consent to order prescriptions on your dependant’s behalf, and that they’ll use your nominated pharmacy.
4. Once you’ve successfully added your dependants, you’ll be able to view, and order medicine for them under the “Prescriptions” tab.
Note: Repeat this process for any dependants you have.
You can check what services your pharmacy provides by scrolling to the bottom of Healthera’s homepage, and clicking the “Browse all services” button.
Once you’ve chosen the service you want to book, and selected your preferred time and date, just press “Continue” to send your appointment request to your pharmacy for confirmation.
We’ll notify you as soon as your pharmacist has approved your request!
If you’re looking for a one-off medicine that doesn’t require a prescription, or other over-the-counter products your pharmacy may sell, use your Healthera app to order discreetly for collection or home delivery.
1. Click the “Pharmacy Shop” button to get started.
2. Choose the category that suits your needs (we’ve chosen Cough, Cold & Flu as our example)
3. Browse the items in your chosen category until you’ve found one you want to purchase, and add it to your basket by clicking on it.
4. When you’ve got everything you want in your Basket, simply choose how you’d like to receive your items (collection or home delivery) and pay for your items.