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🏆 Fastest Growing Solution (750,000+ Users in the UK)

Calling All Community Pharmacies:

Future-Proof Your Business with the UK's #1 Pharmacy-to-Patient Platform

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Like 1,500+ Pharmacies, You Can Unlock Your Very Own App and Website...

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1. Your pharmacy launches on the platform

Your prescription ordering portal, OTC & service offerings, and pharmacy branding will be up within 48 hours

2. Patients start using your new app and website

Send free text invites to your existing patients to help them get on board, and receive new patient orders from Healthera’s own marketing efforts

3. Your pharmacy becomes easier to manage than ever before

With access to a professional platform, you can manage essential tasks in a single space

+ You begin to enjoy well-deserved growth…

With Healthera behind you – including our dedicated account managers and marketing experts – you should prepare to see secure (and perhaps even rapid) growth in your pharmacy.

To patients, Healthera is a handy app and website where they can order prescriptions, buy OTCs, and book services at their local pharmacy.

But to pharmacies, Healthera is so much more

In less than 48 hours, your pharmacy could have all this ready to launch…

Prescription Ordering Portal

Your very own online portal where patients can order (and pay for) prescriptions with your pharmacy via their GP, keeping you in the loop the whole way

Patient Adherence Tool

Your patients will be automatically reminded to take and reorder their prescription medication

Marketing Management

Advertise your offers and services directly to patients through your dedicated space on the app (plus unlock a unique “broadcasting” feature)

Online Store

Gain access to an online store that’s already built for you, so you can sell OTCs and your pharmacy’s items online

Service Booking System

Allow patients to book services with you in just a few taps and allow staff to manage those appointments in a single place

Patient Messaging

Enjoy either one-way or two-way messaging – replace unnecessary phone calls with a simple digital conversation

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Discover why 1,500+ British pharmacies have future-proofed their businesses with Healthera

Digitally receiving prescription orders and patient requests has become a necessity for so many community pharmacies – especially with people increasingly turning to online alternatives.

But Healthera offers you a way to retain those patients, and to go even further…

"Healthera has helped me and my business to grow beyond belief..."
Azeem Choudhry
Future Care Pharmacy

We want to give you the digital tools that have cost millions of pounds to develop and taken years to get right ...

A platform that finally allows you to compete in the digital age without requiring deep pockets or painstaking maintenance. 

This is something that community pharmacies have only found possible with Healthera.

When it comes to future-proofing and growing their businesses, they want the confidence that integrating with the UK’s #1 pharmacy platform provides.

Healthera gives you a way to…

Compete with corporate-backed and online-only pharmacies
Overcome funding cuts and earn revenue beyond what any public official believes you can
Treat your staff to extra support that will help reduce stress and cut out needless, repetitive tasks

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Boost revenue with community pharmacy’s secret weapon

Let’s look at the plain facts…

This data was collected from the NHSBSA between May 2021 and May 2022. 

The graph compares the average growth of Healthera’s community pharmacies to the growth of 7,305 non-Healthera pharmacies. 

It’s no coincidence that the pharmacies who grew most on average all had Healthera at their side.

Results like these have helped us become the market-leading pharmacy-to-patient platform… (So maybe we’re not so “secret” after all…)

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See the real change Healthera has made to our pharmacy partners…

"Healthera really ticks all the boxes…"
"I'm a proud Healthera partner..."
"It makes everything so simple..."

Take control of your pharmacy’s future

Earn More Revenue

Pharmacies don’t earn the money they deserve from their current streams of revenue – but Healthera creates brand new opportunities.

Reduce Stressful Work for Your Team

Pharmacy staff are expected to do more than ever before, even with reduced central funding – but Healthera can provide them with a simpler way to work.

Here's what your pharmacy gains access to after signing up

Our six core features function through our purpose-built suite of software – here’s what they look like when they’re active in your pharmacy…

Healthera Connect (for you)​

This is what your pharmacy team sees. You can control everything you need to from right here, like: actioning & tracking prescription orders, managing service bookings, and accessing patient analytics. 

The Healthera App (for your patients)

Your patients’ portal to your pharmacy. Available for both iOS and Android, our world-class app will host your pharmacy’s page and allow patients to order prescriptions, buy OTC items, book services, set up reminders, and more.

Healthera’s Website Ordering (for your patients)

To make prescriptions even easier for your patients. Healthera’s website ordering makes it simple for people to order with your pharmacy, even if they don’t have a smartphone – this is perfect for older patients who may only have basic laptops.

Your pharmacy’s digital extension is already built for you…

We do almost everything for you. No need to pull your hair out reading through endless guides or paying consultants to get it all ready.

After a short set-up process, you and your patients will be able to enjoy the advantages of digital ordering immediately…

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And don’t worry, you and your team will get free, live training and a dedicated account manager so you can be 100% sure of how to navigate our easy-to-use features.

What Patients Say About Using Healthera…

Plus… On average, patients who use Healthera are 76% adherent, far above the national average of just 52%…

That means, on average, patients who order through your pharmacy using Healthera place 3 more prescription orders per year.

Keep Your Patient Data Secure

Your patients retain 100% ownership of their data when they use Healthera. 

As a regulated service provider for pharmacies, the security of your and your patients’ data is our top priority. Like all apps, Healthera simply ensures the safe transfer of your patients’ data to your pharmacy. 

That’s why we’re trusted by over 1,500+ pharmacies in the UK – more than any other pharmacy-to-patient platform.

Healthera is Led by Lifelong Pharmacists, Not Owned by a Pharmacy

Healthera is made up of real people (based in Cambridge, England) and we genuinely love what we do.

We’re a team of lifelong pharmacists, former-pharmacy staff, and healthcare professionals – we know what it’s like to work in community pharmacies – and we know just how much there is to deal with on a daily basis.

But most importantly for you, we’re not a pharmacy ourselves. Nor are we owned by a pharmacy.

All 40+ members of our team are only focused on improving the Healthera platform (and in turn, improving YOUR pharmacy’s growth and efficiency). 

We know that trusting a potential competitor can be a big concern for pharmacy owners when it comes to other pharmacy-to-patient platforms, which is why we’re happy to say…

Healthera is a completely impartial service provider for pharmacies – you’ll never be entrusting your digital success to a competitor.

Book a Free Demo with Our Team

We’d be happy to give you a free, 1-on-1 demo with one of our team.

Simply tell us what you want to achieve for your pharmacy and we’ll give you a demonstration of how Healthera can help you hit that goal.

No boring “pitch.” No generic, pre-recorded video. Just a clear, tailored demonstration of how the patient app and pharmacy platform work.

  • To talk to a real person about the opportunity presented by Healthera, simply click “Book a free demo” below and pick a time slot with a member of our team.
  • They’ll set aside 45 minutes so you have time to ask any questions in detail (but we know how busy you are, so there’s no problem if you only have 15 minutes to spare!)

Or simply email to ask our team a question

Community pharmacies’ most asked questions about Healthera…

Yes. As well as using Healthera for your existing patients (who will have you as their dedicated pharmacy on the app), we can also send you orders from patients who’ve joined Healthera but don’t have a dedicated pharmacy. 

Effectively, this means you’ll be able to take advantage of Healthera’s own marketing budget. Whenever someone downloads the app who hasn’t been invited by a specific pharmacy, we’ll show them our pharmacy partners in their area. Once you’re on Healthera, that could be you!

We typically see our partners grow because of this function, so it’s a very popular way to increase prescription orders.

Absolutely. Healthera is designed to simplify processes within pharmacies, after all. 

Healthera Connect – our pharmacy-facing side of the platform – is easy to understand and is being continuously updated in-line with partner feedback. 

Not only are the functions inside Healthera Connect clearly labelled and intuitive, we also attach a dedicated account manager to your pharmacy and provide free, live training for your staff. 

Alongside step-by-step instruction documents, this means you’ll never be out of the loop on how the system works. 

100%. Both your pharmacy’s and your patients’ data is entirely safe. 

Healthera’s robust security policies and adherent data safety systems put your patients’ rights first. 

That means nobody can own your data other than you. 

Just like any other app, our access to your and your patients’ data is restricted to the safe transfer of information to allow for the intended function of the platform – you can read more about it in our clear data security policy.

No. Healthera is not owned by a pharmacy, nor is Healthera a pharmacy itself.

We understand the conflict of interest that other pharmacy platforms have caused when details about their links to pharmacies have emerged – no community pharmacy should be worried that a competitor is also responsible for their digital wellbeing. 

As such, Healthera remains entirely independent and impartial.

Yes it is! For your existing patients, it’s as simple as signing up to the app or website through your unique invite link (or they can select your pharmacy manually).

From there, they can enjoy your brand new digital platform (tried, tested, and approved by over half a million users in the UK).

Click here to take a look at Healthera on the iOS App Store or Google Play Store for examples of how easy users find the app (or better yet, have a go yourself!)

There are two possibilities in terms of branding:

1) Your page on the Healthera app and your Healthera web page will both have your pharmacy’s logo and colours as standard. That means the app on your patients’ devices will be called “Healthera,” but they’ll be taken to your pharmacy’s own space within the Healthera app when it’s opened. Most pharmacies choose this option.

2) Or, you can choose to fully “white label” Healthera. This means we’ll build you an entirely separate version of the Healthera app and website (that will appear in the app store as “[Your Pharmacy’s Name]” and be entirely customised with your own branding from A-Z).

The second option (whitelabelling) is the package typically selected by pharmacy groups or larger chains because there is an upfront cost and annual maintenance fee. This is because we build and maintain an entirely separate app and website for you.

If you’re interested in whitelabelling, please let us know by specifying that in your demo booking form – or by emailing us directly at 

Put simply… because we have the most experience (and the only fully-functioning platform). 

We’ve been doing this longer than anyone else and have already overcome all the teething problems that come with building an entire platform from scratch! (Something that new pharmacy platforms and their customers have to learn the hard way…)

Over the last 7 years, four or five other platforms have tried to offer the features, expertise, and support that we do to pharmacies. They all failed.

Why did we succeed where they couldn’t? Simple.

All of our 40+ team members ONLY focus on Healthera. We’re not a pharmacy who outsources a bit of development work on the side. We’re a company whose only focus is on providing the UK’s #1 pharmacy-to-patient platform.

Combine that with over 7 years of development and integration-building with the NHS & digital providers – and you get something that no other company can offer. 

An experienced, proven, and impartial platform.

And of course, it goes without saying that our world-class team (from our dedicated account managers, to our former-pharmacist directors, to our ready-to-help marketers) all work harder than any other organisation we can think of!

Future-proof your pharmacy with Healthera

Join the longest-running and most successful pharmacy-to-patient platform in the UK
  • 7+ years of development
  • 1,500+ pharmacy partners
  • 40+ team members
Unlock a fully-developed app and website for your pharmacy, already built for you
  • Prescription ordering
  • Service bookings
  • Online OTC Store (& more!)
Take control of your pharmacy’s growth & feel confident about the future
  • ROI-driving features
  • Exclusive technology
  • Access to growth experts

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